Kategori: BMC

Joint disease. Coloured X-ray of a knee affected by arthrosis (yellow/red, also called degenerative joint disease or osteoarthrosis), viewed from the side. The femur (thigh bone) is at top, the patella (kneecap) is seen at left, and the tibia is at bottom. Arthrosis is a progressive condition causing damage to the cartilage and bones of a joint. It can affect many different joints in the body. Risk factors are obesity, aging and the menopause. Activities involving repetitive movements can also lead to arthrosis. Treatment is with anti-inflammatory drugs and, in severe cases, surgery.

Oklart vad som händer i lederna när artrosen sätter igång

Det hade varit enklare om vi varit möss. Då hade det funnits en behandling för artros som gjort att många kunnat slippa sin värk i knän, höfter och andra leder. ”Hos möss vet man hur broskets nedbrytning skulle kunna bromsas. Men hos människor är tyvärr allt mycket mer komplicerat”.  Det...